Physician Portal

Dr. Wiki

Dr. Wiki is the main repository of shared information on facility preferences, company policies and on-call survival guides. From clinical tips to restaurant reviews near each hospital, Dr. Wiki has your back! Bookmark it on your computer, or use these instructions to install it on your phone.

iPhone: Open in Safari-->Menu--> "Add to homepage"

Android: Open in Chrome-->Menu--> "Install App" or "Add to homepage"

If you need access email us:

Dr. Timecard

Use this app to log your working hours and patient care time. It’s web-based, so make sure you bookmark it or install it.

iPhone: Open in Safari-->Menu--> "Add to homepage"

Android: Open in Chrome-->Menu--> "Install App" or "Add to homepage"

If you need access email us:

Dr. Juggler

Use this web-based app to look at available shifts and to book yourself!

If on a computer, make sure you bookmark it. On your phone you can turn it into an app

iPhone: Open in Safari-->Menu--> "Add to homepage"

Android: Open in Chrome-->Menu--> "Install App" or "Add to homepage"

If you need access email us: